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Terms & Conditions


The products displayed on SHOPenauer are not sold directly by SHOPenauer, and no type of payment is made on SHOPenauer. All products are linked to the related e-commerce sites which are totally responsible for the quality, originality of the goods, deliveries, services, returns and any service related to the sale.

Prices displayed on SHOPenauer may be out of date and may change due to discounts, balances, currency changes or any reason on the original site. For the customer, the price presented on the original site where the sale ends must always be final reference.

Even the photographs may undergo changes on the original site and be different from those presented on SHOPenauer.

All the photos of the products presented on SHOPenauer are those provided by the various e-commerce: they are operators of great seriousness or professionalism but SHOPenauer is in no way responsible for changes to the final product, incorrect photos or color differences in relation to the real product.

As already pointed out, SHOPenauer does not carry out any direct sales but simply represents a showcase that carries out a redirection through links on the various e-commerce that present the products.

Therefore SHOPenauer is in no way responsible for:
- payments
- availability of products or their sizes
- correct delivery of the goods
- quality or originality of the goods
- shipments, returns and refunds
- changes to photos, prices, product descriptions

SHOPenauer undertakes to select only brands and stores of proven quality, reliability and experience for its e-commerce showcase.


SHOPenauer commits its energies in a strong and constant way to continuously monitor and update the information on its portal; in particular those related to addresses, hours, opening days, brand list of shops and showrooms.

However, given the vastness of the database, and the continuous modification of all this information, it may not be updated in real time.
SHOPenauer is not responsible in any way for errors and any damage deriving from them. They are all to be considered as general indications, which by their nature must always be verified by the user with the original source.

If as a user or as owner of the business you find errors or changes in information, you can contact us using the form, present on every page of a shop, brand or showroom, by entering your name, email address and the information that must be changed, after our verification.

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